by Paula Kamen

In response to the overturn of Roe V. Wade, Coalescence Theatre Project and Cats Cradle Theatre have merged talent to present a streamed multimedia production of JANE: Abortion and the Underground by acclaimed playwright Paula Kamen. JANE is a fundraiser for the Women’s Reproductive Rights Project (WRRAP) and Tickets are now available OnDemand through ShowTix4U https://www.showtix4u.com/event-details/68024.

Tickets can be used from November 5th through May during any 48 hours between those dates. All money goes towards the work of the Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project (WRRAP) Jane is directed by Kristin Schoenback, edited by Dion McNeal, and stream managed by Yen Vi Green. JANE: Abortion and the Underground is a dramatic documentary of Chicago’s revolutionary feminist abortion service and its roots, 1965-1973. While the name “Jane,” an “everywoman’s name,” functioned as a codeword to be used by women seeking an illegal abortion, the women behind the code itself were very real. The underground abortion network was led by women whose actions created a tangible impact. Women who put their safety and futures in harm’s way in the interest of saving lives. They have left behind a long-lasting legacy of humanitarian work in the face of unjust legal repression. The ripples of these actions still reverberate across the country and throughout the world. In the spirit of the Janes, and in continuation of their work, WRRAP assists women and girls of all ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities, and cultural backgrounds who are financially unable to pay for safe, legal abortions or emergency contraceptives. They provide funds directly to pre-screened, pre-qualified health clinics and doctors across the nation on behalf of women in need of abortion services or emergency contraceptives. WRRAP does not ask for repayment of funds. Coalescence Theatre Project and Cats Cradle Theatre are excited to be working together on this timely streamed multi-media production of JANE: Abortion and the Underground by Paula Kamen with a cast that includes actors from across the country to support the work of an organization like WRRAP. Donate now!